The letter “hey” is the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The Hebrew word picture for the “hey” is raised arms showing praise. In ancient Hebrew the “hey” indicated “behold.” The “hey” in Hebrew serves in several ways, one of which can be the definite article “the” when it is the first letter of the word. Another way is when the “hey” is the last letter of a word it can indicate direction, i.e. toward or to something. The “hey” at the end of a word following certain vowels can indicate the feminine gender of the word. They hey, with a certain vowel structure under it, at the beginning of a word can also indicate the posing of a question.
The Hebrew word “hallelujah” is a word of praise literally meaning “We praise God.” The root word here is “hallel” the “hey” (which is the sound of an H or the sound of breath as it is expelled) with a word picture of uplifted arms; and a lamed (with the sound of an L) and a word picture of a strong shepherd/leader. These two letters together are a picture of praises to a strong shepherd leader.
Another “hey” word is Hevel, translated as Able spelled in Hebrew “lamed”, “vet” and “hey.” (Hey, the sound of H or a disappearing breath, Vet, the sound of V which is a soft B for bet, and Lamed the sound of L)
Here the word picture is a “hey” raised arms in praise, or, as what come from, or out of, a “vet” the sound of V which is the picture of a house, inside or enclosed, and a “lamed” with a word picture of control, staff or shepherd. The complete word picture tells that Hevel is something expelled or coming out of an enclosed space that had control but as the breath of the “hey” disappears so does the control. It is pictured as the mist of breath coming from the mouth; as in here now and gone later.
Another most interesting word using the “hey” is the name Yahveh “yod,” “hey,” “vav,” “hey.” (“yod,” the sound of ya, “hey,” the sound of H and the “vav” the sound of V)
The name, Yahveh, (Ex. 3:15 Yahveh is translated LORD) is given by God Himself as a memorial forever and Ex. 20:24 tells that Yahveh will cause His name to be remembered and when it is remembered He will bring a blessing. Each time Yahveh is translated in Scripture as LORD in small capital letters, it is the Hebrew name “yod,” ”hey,” “vav,” “ hey” and it has the name God gave Himself with a very significant meaning.
Each letter has a special meaning which was being imparted to us by Yahveh that we may know Him better. The “yod” is a word picture of a hand, or even a forearm. The “hey” is the word picture of raised hands/arms in praise. The “vav” is the word picture of a nail, or something connecting and it is followed by another “hey.” This is what the Jews call the unpronounceable name of God that they substitute with other names, just as in Scripture it is not used but substituted with LORD. Both of these approaches are against Yahveh’s instructions. One word picture would show Yahveh’s hand or arm coming forth, coming from heaven, and connecting. A good picture of relationship.
To break down the name of God “Yahveh” a little further in Hebrew, the letter “yod” standing alone can mean Yahveh; or the “yod” followed by the “hey” can also mean Yahveh. Keep in mind the pictorial meaning of these letters as they stand alone representing Yahveh.
There are Scriptures that translate the “yod” and “hey” as Yah, meaning Yahveh. However, sadly they do not often get translated that way in English. The NKJV in Ps. 68:4, Isa. 12:2, 26:4 and 38:11 do translate the Hebrew correctly.
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