God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.
The seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called “Zayin,” and is the letter sound of “Z.” In ancient Hebrew the letter Zayin means “weapon or strife” with a picture that resembles a weapon.
The Hebrew word zee'voog has to do with strife and connection. Zee'voog spelled in Hebrew is zayin, the letter sound of “Z,” with a word picture of a weapon, followed by a double vav with the letter sound of “V,” with a word picture of a nail or something connedted together, followed by a gimel, the letter sound of “G” and a word picture of being lifted up or rising The word picture of the word zee'voog is “weapon/strife, connected-connected and lifted up: A weapon lifted against someone or connected to someone.
Another zayin word is zar, which means enemy or foreigner. The Hebrew spelling for zar is the letter zayin, the letter sound of “Z,” with a word picture of a weapon or strife, followed by a resh with the letter sound of “R.” with the word picture of a head of a person or highest or top. The word picture for zar is a head of a person who is an enemy or the highest enemy.
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